Infant Massage
Learn an ANCIENT tradition with your Baby...Baby Massage
By Cynthia Covian-Hernandez, Founder of Baby Benefits Chicago
Historical accounts of massage being used in ancient civilizations can be traced
back over 3,000 years. For hundreds of years the practice of baby massage has been passed on in India through the generations from mother to daughter as a right-of-passage. Babies are typically massaged every day using special oils, which are felt to be particularly beneficial for babies' skin. It is very difficult to pin point exactly where baby massage originates, but it's now widely practiced and recognized by many cultures as being as vital as the milk fed to the baby for development and growth. Baby massage isn't a passing trend, it is an ancient practice that deeply connects you to your baby. This lays a lifetime foundation of trust, dependability, faith and love between parent/caregiver and the child. Setting aside some time to incorporate baby massage as part of your baby's routine will help you build your parent/caregiver baby relationship in this early, mutual, "getting to know you" stage. It provides an opportunity for you, the parent/caregiver, to understand your baby's individual and particular non-verbal language. It enables you to respond with love and respectful listening.
I train parents and caregivers how to partner with their baby rather than just perform a massage. Remember that massaging your baby is something that you do with your baby rather than to your baby. Baby massage is a truly wonderful way to make your baby feel safe and secure by showing them that they are loved and cared for. You will discover when the best time is for both you and your baby.
Some tips from Baby Benefits Chicago:
* If you are a working parent, or about to return to work, baby massage is an excellent way of connecting with your baby. A short massage each night before, or after, a bath can help you to communicate your love to your baby.
* If you are breastfeeding then your partner might feel left out, so learning baby massage is a perfect opportunity for them to have their own special time with the baby.
*Clinical evidence shows that loving, touching, nurturing contact between caregiver and baby has an important impact on their development. Research has also shown that baby massage can alleviate the effects of post-natal depression and offer a more positive interaction between mother and baby during this often difficult early period.
Baby massage is something that every parent or caregiver can learn and practice -providing benefits to both baby and parents. It's also a wonderful way for brothers, sisters and grandparents to share special time with a new addition to the family.
Infant Massage Classes
Learn how to massage your infant and begin this wonderful, nurturing and loving touch. Each class is 1 hour long where parents or full-time caregivers massage their babies. You will learn to observe the baby's response throughout the massage, and how to respond to their cues.
Baby Benefits: Reduce stress ; improve sleep patterns; decrease hypersensitivity, gas, colic, and constipation; stimulates digestive, immune, nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems; promote bonding and secure attachment, love, respect, empathy, nurturing touch; encourage verbal and non-verbal communication; lessen muscular tension and teething discomfort
Parent Benefits: reduce stress; improve sleep, help read and respond to baby's cues; promotes bonding and secure attachment; stimulate lactation; socialize with other parents
What do you need for the class?
- oil: for example, safflower, sunflower seed oils
- blanket
-forms and the link to the secured virtual session will be emailed to you